Yeninko of the Umlaut

Friday, November 02, 2007

Human Transport Options

My friend Trevor often comments of how much space cars take up, not only due to their bulk but also due to the amount of space you need to dedicate to around a car as it moves (especially in front as a car increases in speed).

I found the picture below (click on it for a large version) which is some indication of the space even non-moving cars take up in comparison to other transport options.

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  • I'm always shocked when someone remembers one of my odd thoughts years after I mention it.

    A couple of related thoughts:

    If we didn't have to design our cities to allow cars cars to drive and park in every side of every block, think of how much more space and quiet we could have around our homes, and how much more compact city centers could be, thus removing some of the need for cars for short trips.

    Another element of the increase in the amount of space a vehicle requires when it is moving are speed limits. I've seen some data supporting the concept of increasing speed limits to decrease accidents. When a vehicle travels faster, it gets to its destination sooner, and is no longer causing risk and taking up increased space on the road.

    In a way, I think we are blaming a lot of problems on cars that should really be addressed as design and lifestyle inefficiency, and overpopulation. If we had half as many people, everyone could have twice as much impact for the same net result.

    I think the primary thing we need to do to reduce the environmental and political impact of cars is to switch from engines to motors. Ethanol, biodiesel, oil shale, etc. all have the problem that there is only one way to do them and it is on a corporate scale. If you have a vehicle that runs on electricity, there are nearly limitless ways you can create that electricity, many of which the consumer would take on themselves. With the amount I use a vehicle, I could easily create enough energy with a solar panel on the roof.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:18 AM  

  • I'm currently reading "Pursuit of Glory: Europe 1648-1815" which devotes lots of pages to explain how horribly people suffered from famine, disease and serfdom because no useable roads existed. People couldn’t move, food couldn’t travel, cries for help couldn’t be communicated. Basically people had to walk and they could transport only what they carried.

    But as roads & wagons got better, transportation got cheaper, trade increased, wealth increased, and food could be delivered to where it was needed. Since our roads got better, life expectancy has doubled, health is fantastically better, the populace more educated, the labor force gained mobility and economic stature, communication increased the speed of innovation and generally we are much, much better off. I love roads and trucks and cars and all the happy people who benefit from them. I heart roads. I don't even drive a car, but I love all the success, happiness and wonderfulness that cars and trucks and roads represent.

    I heart your BMW, mr. pissed-off driver.

    By Blogger $9,000,000,000 Write Off, at 3:34 PM  

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