Yeninko of the Umlaut

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Screwed Up Childhood in the making


When Christy Wizner of Heppner, Oregon gave birth to a baby girl back in April of 2004, the father, Chad Doherty, said he wanted to be a part of his daughter's life even though he and Christy weren't going to get married. He assumed that the girl's last name would naturally be Doherty. He assumed wrong. Christy, who had divorced but kept the last name Wizner, had three other children all with the last name Wizner. It was her desire that her youngest child have the same surname as her older siblings. Doherty disagreed and thus began a two year legal squabble.

I link the poster wicked_sprite summed it up concisely

Seriously, you are born and your parents spend years fighting over your last name in court. Just wait for the spank-or-not-to-spank battle. This child is hosed.

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  • I'm telling you, put birth control in the alcohol supply and you will solve half the worlds problems in one fell swoop.

    Before anyone jumps on the dude for being an idiot, keep in mind that he is probably forced to pay child support for a child he has no say on.
    Liability for children of unwed parents is pretty screwed up all the way around. Most would consider this an example of the need to strengthen marriage. I see it as the opposite. I'd really rather see single women have all the rights and liabilities regarding their children (absent serious extenuating circumstances). As far as I'm concerned uncommitted men are really nothing but sperm donors.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:31 PM  

  • Just like to tell every one that I am the father of that child. It has been 8 years since my daughter was born and today we have a wonderful relationship. And I have a decent relationship with her mother. The whole last name thing was all about her giving her ex-husband his last name. I also thought that since my daughter is growing up in my home town that my last name just my help her. It is a last name that goes back many years here.

    But basically it does not matter, I am a great dad. I have never missed a day that I get to spend with her. I have never missed anything that she has been involved in. And I love her unconditionally with all my heart. And I have never missed a child support payment, and also offer to buy her anything she needs.

    So I guess you can take that sperm donor comment, and stick it.....well you know where to stick it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:45 PM  

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