Yeninko of the Umlaut

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Recycle Yourself

I, Ian XXXXX, have signed up with the Donate Life California Organ & Tissue Donor Registry. Please join me in saving and enhancing the lives of thousands of people in need of your help. It took me only a few minutes to sign up -- minutes that could mean years of life for someone else.

To sign up or for more information, please visit Donate Life California

So sayeth the email I just received.

While I have always been an advocate for organ and tissue donation I knew that even telling people my wishes was no guarantee they would be followed through. A family member objecting or even delaying the use of my body could make any tissue ultimately unuseable. But this bit off there website is encouraging;

Historically, while signing a donor card and placing the pink dot on your license served as an important symbol of your intent, it did not place you on any list or Registry. The Registry guarantees your plans will be carried out when you die.

It cost me nothing and save lives. How can I lose?

I’m still hoping for the organ priority list where people willing to be donors go on one list and everyone else goes on another. Those that were willing to donate organs get them before people who were unwilling to be donors.


  • Yeah, and why stop there? Maybe a checkbox allowing you to donate your face to that poor guy who got his face blown off by Dick Cheney, or donate your nose to Michael Jackson. Give Ann Coulter a heart, Bush a brain, maybe some backbone to the democratic party. Who wants an eyebrow? I wonder how long it will be before they will be able to easily replace extremeties? The military could really use a good supply of replacement parts.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:30 PM  

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