Yeninko of the Umlaut

Friday, July 01, 2005

God Bless You Mr. Tuffy.

I would like to take a minute to sing the praises of Mr. Tuffy and the man who introduced me to them, the Dorfman.

The dealio is that I was getting a flat tire about every other day biking to and from BART, and while I was getting really good at fixing flats on the fly it was getting really, really annoying. So while venting about this Alex mentions I should get a set of Mr. Tuffy Tire (or tyre if you are down with the royalty) inserts. Basically they are thick-ass pieces of Polyurethane liner which you insert on the inside of your tire, between the tube and tire. I have not had a single flat since then, and this is significant because, while on BART yesterday I notice a big nick in my new Kevlar® tire. Big enough to actually look through and see Mr. Tuffy Sitting there protecting my inner tube from molestation. After doing a more detailed check I found many, many spots which looked like someone took a pen knife and stabbed a hole through my tire only to be stopped by Mr. Tuffy.

Which brings me to my next point. I think maybe instead of using Kevlar® in bullet proof vest (and which totally didn’t protect my inner tubes) maybe they should be using Mr. Tuffy in bullet proof vests.


  • Might have saved them a lawsuit and a replacemement set of cops:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:03 PM  

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