Yeninko of the Umlaut

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Updates Everybody!

A few updates:
  • To spare you all that really don’t want to read about my new project bike, I’m going to start a new moto blog, Yen’s Bikes. There is a link to left at the bottom. Strictly about my motorcycles, all philosophical mutterings that include motorcycles and life will continue to be found here.
  • I have had a bunch of posts in various stages of disrepair and I am posting them all now. That should be a total of seven posts that I’ve managed to spell check and clean up. Sorry to all of you who waited on baited breath for my next post.
  • After reading an article on blogging I will refrain from ever saying 'It's on my blog' when asked a question. To anyone I've ever said that to,a thousand apologies for that inane bit of tripe.


  • Alright I can't read them all in one sitting...

    By Blogger Stanza, at 6:54 PM  

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