This program is fun. The shape of the graph for my name is a reflected version of the graph your name, albeit on a scale an order of magnitude less than the frequencies for yours. Maybe it will be a "Maggie" in coming years.
Nice one scott. I was trying to look for names with odd starts and stops. Britteny, Jennifer and Summer were the best I could come up with and nothing really historical...You know I bet Wendy would look cool what with it being a 'made up' name.
This program is fun. The shape of the graph for my name is a reflected version of the graph your name, albeit on a scale an order of magnitude less than the frequencies for yours. Maybe it will be a "Maggie" in coming years.
By Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
I like how the name Adolph really dropped off around the 1940s. Hell, Bertha is still more comman than Adolph is now.
By Anonymous, at 4:14 PM
Nice one scott. I was trying to look for names with odd starts and stops. Britteny, Jennifer and Summer were the best I could come up with and nothing really historical...You know I bet Wendy would look cool what with it being a 'made up' name.
By Yen, at 9:07 AM
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