God Bless Mississippi Summers
“The story begins in Biloxi, Miss., with three boys -- Eric Zala, Chris Strompolos, and Jayson Lamb -- and one adventure hero, Indiana Jones. Handsome, endlessly resourceful, as quick with a whip as he was with a quip, Indiana Jones hijacked the heart of America in the summer of 1981, and our trio of 10-year-olds proved no exception. So the next summer, the three began filming a shot-for-shot remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Seven years later, they wrapped. “
An if that wasn't enough the UK’s Guardian has an article that focuses more on the 'kids' who created the film
An if that wasn't enough the UK’s Guardian has an article that focuses more on the 'kids' who created the film
Ooo! Ooo! A really poorly done trailer for a really brilliant project!
By Anonymous, at 3:18 PM
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